Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday is sock day

Meeting knitting

In my other life I have a 2.5 hour meeting on Monday mornings. In order to stop from fidgeting I knit socks. Here is my progress on the 10 year socks. I started them more than 10 years ago, and just recently pulled them out of hiding.

Socks and Wilton's

Woodland Woolworks had a sale on natural colored sock yarn. I've been having fun dyeing it with Wilton's cake icing color. Here are some examples


Witchypoo said...

ok you win... the oldest UFO :)


Jan said...

Hey, are those kitty litter box parts I see there? Do you use the litter boxes (sans litter, of course!) to do the dyeing in? If so would you give us a demo?